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Une femme de lettre like a Parma Violet middle of a golden desert . Th e Courage of being
Motto: ,, Why are you sad?  «......Because you speak to me in words and I look at you with feelings»- Leo Tolstoy While writing on this chapter, I am still under the infl uence of my sister’s “stroll” along the Loire Valley. 

However, I do not think either of Catherine de Medici, nor Dianne de Poitiers, nor the splendid chateau in which my sister and her family indulge themselves in a summer’s “dolce far niente”. I suddenly imagine that I am in Musee D’Orsay, in front of the wonderful painting “Gabrielle» of Pierre August Renoir.

I confess that I have a weakness for Renoir. I have a passion for his bright , fabulous and warm colours, which I call “the colourful colours of a French amour».... And still, my current chapter has no French subject.
I am writing about a young woman, who is “more French” and more elegant than the entire of France. 

She is in the command of the “French manners and etiquette» better than the marchionesses of Balzac, Hugo or Dumas. I am at home, in Munich, and fl owing in the atmosphere of “Eau de Coty... i am writing about ...HER.
She is like a page written by Flaubert. She.is like. a poem of Rumi . She is like a sonata of Chopin. She is a violet rainbow on a white sky. She intrigues me and inspires me. 

I like. to write and compose about special people and, yes, She is special. She carries a certain nostalgia, seeming to come from the times of cloak and dagger, musketeers, evantailles and crinolines.

She is an accomplished intellectual. She reads enormously, writes passionately, manages her own publication trust, is a leader in the world of fancy , brilliant fashion, being herself an
amazingly glamorous presence : mysterious and splendid Chatelaine. French would call her
Balzac would call her ,, Violet of Parma « , Dumas would see her as ,,a new Marguerite of
Navarre» and Verlaine would entitle her as his passionate muse. 

I am tell you something you may not understand about her: be careful ! With a brain sharp as diamond and eyes soft as velvet , she is a real powerful femme de lettre. She is , middle of the wonderful desert , a Visionary . She reminds me of the gorgeous intellectual Madame de Stae.  

Read ,,Th e black book of Arabia» . Read Velvet. Visit House of Hend. Take your time and observe her.

She is a Wanderer and a Discoverer. She lives in her own Universe sending to us, from time to time ray of Lights with the Aura of Intellectual Tenderness. 

She is a woman of our time.  She is a Princess. She is an Icon.

Your Highness Sheikha Hend Are you a feminist?
The word “feminism” has taken on several defi nitions throughout time.
I believe in equality of the sexes, I believe in working hard to achieve your ambitions, I believe in continually educating myself both through the academe and through life experiences.
I believe that gender should never be a hindrance.
If that is feminism, then yes I am a feminist.
How do you describe yourself as Arab Woman of 21.st Century?
I do not see myself above or special among Arab women of this century. Like many other Arab women, our place in society has gone beyond the home. We have learned the importance of education and how that is an important tool in pursuing a career in whatever fi eld of endeavor we choose.

We have gained enough knowledge of the world around us both regional and international that it made us realize that we can pursue and juggle several careers at the same time, in my case as Editor-in-chief of a magazine, an author, a fashion designer, an architect, a CEO of a conglomerate
When did you start exploring yourself as an Artist?
Art or creativity in general has always been in my blood even as a young child.
However, it is when I started conjuring up images in a canvas that people referred to me as an artist. 

When people come to me and tell me how my works touch their lives or stir up an
emotion then that tells me that I might be doing something right.
What kind of child have you been and how did your parents infl uenced you?
I was a very adventurous kid. I took advantage of playing outdoors and the scars on my knees are a daily proof of how much fun I had.

Do you consider yourself an Emirati artist or international artist?
I consider myself an “artist” that’s it. Art is very universal, it transcends all boundaries. My art aff ects people in diff erent places in diff erent ways depending on the eyes that look at it. When you look at a piece of art, you look at it with eyes that will be infl uenced by your culture, how you were brought up, your knowledge of other cultures, your level of education etc. and these factors are diff erent for everyone – so one piece of art can have diff erent eff ects on diff erent
How do you express yourself in a better way: writing , painting or designing?
I express myself more through writing. It doesn’t mean that I express myself better through
writing though. I just fi nd it more convenient because I can write anytime anywhere. I jot my
thoughts as soon as something comes to mind. Verses and lines of poetry, I can easily type on my phone.
You are a free spirit. Do you consider rules of life and etiquette still very important?
Rules and etiquette are still and will always be very important. I believe that you can still be
you and treat those around you with kindness and respect. You may not share the same beliefs and principles, but you don’t have to enforce it to anyone.
How is your own atmosphere? Your vision about life?
I consider myself to be both a realist and an idealist. I have high hopes for the future and I try my best to stay positive and be a positive infl uence on others. Th at being said, I keep myself informed and sensitive to the ever-changing world we live in and try to adapt accordingly.
What does Th e Black book of Arabia mean to you? And Velvet?
The Black Book of Arabia is my way of letting the world know the stories of women in the
Middle East whether it may be a comedy or a tragedy. It is a window into the personal lives of people whose stories of struggles, betrayal and triumphs would have been otherwise, untold if I had not met them.
Th e magazine on the other hand is more like a journal of Middle Eastern lives, fashion, luxury, travel, success stories, art and people.
What makes you happy / unhappy about our world, society nowadays?
I am happy that light is being shed to a lot of issues and advocacies all over the world through social media nowadays. However, it makes me sad how such an infl uential tool can be. at the same time, manipulated and fabricated to support the selfi sh interests and ulterior motives of some people.
You are very active, you are very much in the spot light. What do you choose between Red
Carpet and a Peace Conference? And Why?
A peace conference will always be my choice. As a matter of fact, I head a lot of charitable institutions as making a diff erence in this world is what I always strived to do. But to be able to support a lot of charities, you must always grow your network and expand your sphere of infl uence, so you can rally other people who are willing to help. More oft en than not, glamorous events like a “red carpet” are among the many ways you can do that.
Where do you fi nd your sources of Inspiration for your Art projects, ideas, visions?
I fi nd inspiration in almost everything. My surroundings, the people I meet, the sounds I hear etc. I want to be able to translate into something visual and tactile the feeling that I get from all these experiences and encounters.
You are a member of the Royal Family of Sharjah. How much important is to represent your
traditional , ancient history and heritage , and the same time to be «yourself» as a very complex feminine Intellectual?
I don’t think that there is a confl ict of interest between being a female intellectual and a member of the royal family. More than anything, I think being an educated well-rounded woman, I am representing my family well. We were encouraged not to rely on our last name but rather to make a name for ourselves.
What is your wish or dream for the near future?
In the near future, I have several exciting projects in the pipeline, a café is on the way, I am currently scouting for a venue for my multi-brand concept store where I take the best upcoming designers form all over the world and have them all in one roof. I am also busy expanding my fashion line. I just fi nished my Master’s Degree and my professors encouraged me to publish my thesis so I am in the process of re-writing it into a book to help future entrepreneurs.
As an Artist and Woman: what is your own Statement and cultural message?
You don’t have to be able to wield a brush and paint on a canvas, chip away a slab of marble and make a sculpture or string words and write poetry to consider yourself an artist. Beauty is all around us.
If you can make others see the beauty in you or in whatever you do and above all inspire others not only to appreciate the beauty around them but more so to be able to fi nd the beauty in others, not only are you a true artist but a catalyst for achieving acceptance and tolerance.

Monica Mergiu

Royal Arts Visions web 8 أبريل 2023
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