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ROYAL ARTS VISIONS; H.H. Sheikha Sumaya Bint Saqr Al Qassimi

H.H. Sheikha 

Sumaya Bint Saqr Al Qassimi

Umm Al Quwain - Mangroves Forests

Her Highness Sheikha Sumayah Bint Saqr Al Qassimi lourishes the spectacular Mangroves Festival Between Sharjah and Ra’s Al Khaimah, a little piece of paradise. A jewel preserved
from ancient times with a fabulous landscape and the largest Water park of the world : Umm Al Quwain.
He Emirate ruled by His Highness Sheikh Saud Bin Rashid Al Mualla is well known for the unexpected environmental beauty. 

Very interesting territory for all tourists in love with wild sands, great beaches and magniicent Mangroves forests. I am a poetess and I love to discover the magic of each
place in my own way.
I was charmed by the history of the Emirate visiting from the very beginning the Fort and National museum. 

But more than anything else I was captivated by the natural environment : Laguna Al Beidah, the island As Siniyya, the historical Al Dur or the oasis Falaj Al Moalla are extraordinary places to visit and research.
Umm Al Quwain is one of the most interesting locations for people in search for light , silence and traditional art. I am an artist , a traveler and a discoverer.
I consider my duty to highlight the artistic moments of my literary journey.
One of these moments is my encounter with Umm Al Quwain.

Thanks to
Her Highness Sheikha Sumaya Bint Saqr Al Qassimi, the Emirate Umm Al Quwain is worldwide recognized for the marvelous traditional Mangroves Festival.
Every year in march, the Emirate becomes a fairy tale land open to all visitors, locals and foreigners, tourists, artists, poets , painters , people charmed by the wild beauty of the Mangroves forests.
Flamingos, colorful birds, water plants, green nature growing wildly, are celebrated with lectures, traditional music and food, Arabic cofee, dates, sweets, local artists singing, painting, speaking own verses and poems, enchanting and charming the atmosphere, dedicating gratefully and passionately their artworks to the beauty of their land.
I can easily say that Umm Al Quwain is a land of festivals celebrating the nature and the sources of traditional customs.
he 4 days festival at Khor Al Beidha held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Saud Bin Rashid Al Mualla and his gracious spouse Her Highness Sheikha Sumaya Bint Saqr Al Qassimi, is a symbol of deep awareness about the huge importance of conserving the land’s mangroves, trough art workshops, exhibitions, storytelling, traditional dance , music performance, short ilm screenings, environmental lectures.
Sheikha Sumaya Bint Saqr is supportive for all aspects of the festival, ofering her visions for a children friendly atmosphere, play grounds, sports events for youth like diving, kayaking, paragliding, yoga sessions.
Mangroves Festival focuses on Umm Al Quwain’s nature but beyond this, it is a festival of fraternity, brotherhood , sisterhood , deep love and respect for the ancient customs and traditions.

I love Umm Al Quwain for all beautiful moments of art and culture, for the warm welcome and the magical atmosphere, for making me part of a fabulous story and not at the end for giving me the creative sources for my literary journey.
Raouf Metah UNESCO awarded artist of Arab calligraphy, inspired by his visit in Umm Al Quwain has created a painting collection with the title «Mangroves Forests under the stars» to be presented in his next exhibition in Monaco. Once again , art is the best ambassador of friendship between nations, cultures and heritages, endless and eternal beyond time and centuries.

Monica Mer​giu 

ROYAL ARTS VISIONS; H.H. Sheikha Sumaya Bint Saqr Al Qassimi
Royal Arts Visions web 9 أبريل 2023
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