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After long period of time, more than 20 years alongside of Jean Paul Gaultier, he decided to walk alone his own way, in majestic style and of course with grace and elegance.
Henri Joli is the Founder of Maison de Haute Couture, International artistic consultant, fashion expert, public relations expert in luxury events, a very well known personality of Paris Fashion Week and all grand events in fashion industry.

Henri Joli is recognized as one of the most important advisors and pathfinders in haute couture, glamorous presentations and expert for the Red Carpet celebrations.
His famous multi - facetted platform Partners Consulting delivers the «secrets» and mystery of the perfect style, elegance and fashionable charm. Henri Joli knows how to bring the new generation of young international designers at the niveau of the real Haute Couture.

Meeting Henri Joli, middle of the most celebrated designers, Fashion shows and Supermodels, we feel that kind of fancy feeling of «being a Star».
Everyone’s dream is to shine bright like a star, like a diamond but for that we do need for sure the best advisor.

Here he is, the Master, Consultant and Pathfinder Henri Joli to teach us how to wear the crown of our own desire : nonchalantly elegant, confident and fabulous.

Dear Henri Joli, how do you define the actual Fashion industry ?
Due to the pandemic the fashion industry is not on their best time for sure but I think it's not to bad because we need to change the production to more sustainable fashion to protect the hearth.

Do you still consider Paris as the most glamorous city of the Fashion world ?
Paris will always be forever the most glamorous and elegant City of the Fashion world.
What did you learned during so many years working alongside with Jean Paul Gaultier?
Jean-Paul is my mentor ! It’s him give to me this strong passion for fashion and above all to treat it with humor. he always said we must have fun in fashion and that’s what he always did.

What do you describe a perfect Fashion show ?
Perfect Fashion show it is to bring the dream, the fairy tale and the happyness to spectators and clients. Make them want to always be the most beautiful.

What exactly means Haute Couture and how do you feel wich designer has the potential to creat Haute Couture collections ?

Not all Houses have the Haute Couture appellation because it has to be earned. This appellation is protected worldwide by the French Ministry of Culture. I will say nothing no discrimination between designers but I can say the potential for one couturier it is Jean-Paul Gaultier.
What is your advise for the young designers who are searching for the glory and fame ?
This is available for any kind of jobs ! Forget the glory and fame just need to work work work and put all your passion into your creativity than the glory and fame will come on the right time. Don’t talk just be in action and do it ! Fashion is one of the most difficult job to do on the right way !

Do you have a special project for the near future ?
Many projects are on the way but one most important it’s to built a plateforme around sustainability. I want to bring more value on basic fabric of sustainable fashion to be more attractif of what we can find today in the market this is why I call our company «Couture Sustainable Fashion». New fabric with more lively and shimmering materials.

Monica Mer​giu

Royal Arts Visions web 16 أبريل 2023
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