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Nizar Al Hattab is the slave of his own dreams.
Unbelievable talented, this Syrian artist brings us, his viewers in to a world of poetry, imaginary garden, his own Ede, where Roses are blooming generously for each one of us.
His paintings are sensorial but sacred untouchable, the painted characters are floral, charming, delicate and framed in very complex, sensitive stories.

Nizar Al Hattab' s artworks show us the history of his homeland Syria, with all the ancient greatness, the amazing landscape and heritage, in unique and splendidly expressed images.
The painter, immensely talented and gifted is emotional and lost in a space of ghosts and spirits.
He realizes marvelous paintings representing the Syrian antiquity, a world of glamour and charm, a territory of monuments and eternal love, he paints with love,romanticism and goodness, with dedication to his belief and faith to his land and nation.
Nizar Al Hattab is one of the most poetical painters, his paintings being emotional poems born in colours, reminding us of the unique poet Nizar Al Qabbani with the same passion and desperation.

Nizar Al Hattab' s artworks resplendent and brilliant , give us the message about the artist's complex, mysterious personality : Emotional but Unbreakable. Eternal and poetical , timeless , endless and marvelous.

Dear artist Nizar Al-Hattab, how do you define your art?
How do I select a technician? I paint in the school style of Expressionism and Surrealism. To express human concern. generally...

Your artwork is very emotional. What is your main source of inspiration?
The main source of my work is the emotion and the human feeling towards the mother for her children. Mother generally symbolizes the homeland. And my country is wounded like the rest of some tormented countries in the world.
What is your artistic ambition, your personal wish?
My artistic ambition. It is a human aspiration whose goal is peace for all the oppressed in the world. And also the spread of love in the Arab world. Note that the Arab world, unfortunately. Far from love and humanity.

You are very attached to the history of your homeland, Syria. What is the most important thing in Syria that you would like to publish in your paintings?
Yes, I love my country, Syria. Because it is the cradle of civilizations. Unfortunately, it is ruined by greed, hatred and greed.
I am drawing and I will express the concern of the poor and tortured Syrian man. And also the tormented Arab and international human being, who dreams of inner peace ...

Monica Mergiu

Royal Arts Visions web 19 أبريل 2023
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