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ROYAL ARTS VISIONS; Royal Monaco Magazine



A magazine of Fame, Arts and Diamonds 

When we think about Monaco we certainly have that kind of feeling a la dolce vita.
Not only because of the splendid view over the most famous port of the world and the charming atmosphere of savoir vivre but mostly for the legendary, glamorous Royal family of Grimaldi with their history of grandeur and superlative elegance.
Monaco is still everyone's dream. In this small part of the world, we have the sentiment of being privileged guests at an endless party of luxury, fancy events and brilliant Encounters .
The land of the «rich and famous» is since many years not only the ultimate extravagance for honey moon Lovers or bling bling appearance on the Red Carpet of celebrated beauties.
Suddenly, Monaco, has started a very special commitment to the cultural festivities, Art exhibitions, cinema, fashion, cross cultural dialogs at large scale, of course perfectly organized avec la grandeur Monegasque and unimaginable talent to bring people, arts and stories in the perfect spot light.
As writer and journalist I'm always ready to compose a story about special people, places and encounters.
Because «friends of my friends are my friends», thanks to Raouf Meftah, I had the great chance to meet the one and only Luigi Mattera, Founder of Royal Monaco Magazine, the most beautiful publication of Cote D' Azur.
Signor Luigi Mattera is a Renaissance man.
Celebrated, awarded and entitled as Chevalier d' Etoile, Cavaliere della Stella D' Italia for his immense activity in the cultural field, recognized as cultural Ambassador between Italy, Monaco, France, Luigi Mattera is a charming personality, a brilliant spiritual Italian soul .

He is a visionary who was able years a go to feel the potential of Monaco as international cultural hub.
Luigi Mattera knew well the golden who's who, the specific language of the «rich, beautiful and famous» and was able to created an international friendship bridge bringing together superstars, stars, personalities with special talents and creativity.
In a world of luxury and highest financial potential, Luigi Mattera offered the best platform to a spectacular new society : Monaco for arts and culture. Royal Monaco magazine was born as a new social identity, as spiritual Encounter between what luxury, money, fame could offer to us and what we are actually searching for, beyond all that.
Today the target Royal Monaco - “RM”- is one of the biggest brands and a “must” publication with registered rights to show, upon trading goods too, the “R.M” letters & crown,more than that is the most complex magazine of arts, society, official events, with the largest illustrated coverage of Son Altesse Serenissime Prince Albert, Grimaldi family's activities and official participation at diverse events and celebrations.
Royal Monaco magazine presents the world's most visible, important brands of the jewelry branches and numerous luxury products along with dialogs, interviews of iconic personalities and International celebrities in the name of culture, for culture, about culture.
Himself, the Founder of Royal Monaco Cavaliere Dr. Luigi Mattera remains dedicated to his own ideals as writer, journalist, professor and not at the end Art Lover.

He serves the international cross cultural dialog from the glamorous Monaco, Menton the Pearl of France, artistical Nice, to his romantic homeland, native Italy, San Remo, Padova, Venice and actually worldwide, with his sumptuous Italian language, enthusiasm and dedication to the world of Belle Arti.

Monica Mergiu

ROYAL ARTS VISIONS;  Royal Monaco Magazine
Royal Arts Visions web 7 أبريل 2023
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