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Under the High Patronage of





The International Association of Plastic Arts of Monaco inaugurated its annual show this Thursday, December 5, 2024 around the theme 'New Perspectives', celebrating on this occasion the 75 years of membership of the Principality to UNESCO.

Mr. Guillaume Rose. Mr. Raouf Meftah. Stefania Angelini. H.E. Madame Boisbouvier. HRH Princess Fawzia Farouk of Egypt. @raoulrand

AIAP MONACO had the honour of receiving

H.E. Ms. Anne-Marie Boisbouvier - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate of the Principality of Monaco to UNESCO.

Mrs. Geneviève Vatrican - President of the UNESCO Commission in Monaco.

Mrs. Melissa Marcel - Head of Section at the Directorate of Cultural Affairs

Mr. Guillaume Rose - National Council, President of the Culture and Heritage Commission

Mrs. Jade Aureglia - National Council, Environment and Quality of Life Commission, Vice-President for Sustainable Urban Planning and Major Works.

Mrs. Karyn ARDISSON SALOPEK - Elected to the Municipal Council, in charge of Culture

Mr. Jacques PASTOR - Elected to the Municipal Council

HRH Princess Fawzia Farouk of Egypt

H.E. Ms. Anne-Marie Boisbouvier  @raoulrand

In this year marked by the 75th anniversary of the Principality of Monaco’s accession to UNESCO, I wish to warmly thank the Monegasque National Committee of the IAA-AIAP for having placed its 2024 exhibition within the framework of this commemoration.

 H.E. Ms. Anne-Marie Boisbouvier

The theme chosen for this year's event, entitled “New Perspectives,” traces a future where we are called to envision or interpret events in a revised manner.

Art, being the mirror of our realities, I'm confident that the works of over thirty AIAP member artists, as well as - and I'm delighted about this - works by invited foreign artists, presented in an online exhibition via an interactive virtual space, will prompt the viewer to reflect on this theme.

In an ever complex world with countless challenges, the importance of art and the educational appeal for aesthetics and sensitivity become essential and must be given greater consideration.

 As the magic of art awakens our senses, artworks forge an emotional bond with the viewer creating an immersive experience that transforms the observer’s perception and opens dialogues.

UNESCO has always strongly believed in the power of cultural and artistic education, for art is far more than a mere aesthetic expression. Art, by its transformative nature, shapes our perception, enriches our view of the world, broadens our understanding, stimulates our ability to think critically, and fosters a rich and nuanced emotional education. By provoking deep insights, art pushes us to see beyond appearances, instilling hope and new perspectives while facilitating cultural interconnections.

S.E. Madame Boisbouvier. M. Raouf Meftah @raoulrand

Thus, through its actions, the Monaco National Committee of the AIAP fulfills UNESCO’s vocation in establishing “the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind.”

The Monaco National Committee of the AIAP will be celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2025. There is no doubt that the visual artists will continue to question us, move us, and transform us, in a spirit of unity among peoples, anew and again. For – to paraphrase Dostoevsky’s Prince Myshkin – “Art will save the world.”

 H.E. Ms. Anne-Marie Boisbouvier

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,

Permanent Delegate of the Principality of Monaco to UNESCO

 Knight of the National Order of the Legion of Honour

Knight of the National Order of Merit,

Knight of the Order of Saint Charles

 H.E. Ms. Anne-Marie Boisbouvier

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to this year's annual show of the AIAP - L'Association des Artistes Plasticiens de Monaco, founded by Etienne Clerissi in 1955, around a group of illustrious artists from that time. Clerissi, Emma de Sigaldi, Ignasi Vidal, Luis Molné, Irene Pagès...

Personalities of the 20th century who have remained absolutely etched in the history of our principality. Artists whose work and memory I am proud to be able to perpetuate.

There are over 80 AIAP national committees members around the world, including 40 European committees, carrying out actions on decisive issues (foremost advocacy) as well as supporting artists on a day-to-day basis. Voluntary work is of great importance, and should never cease to be valued. This network of independent associations is a liminal force of our society, a sensitive balance that it is our duty to preserve.

Placed under the aegis of UNESCO, the committee aims to promote the visual arts in the Principality and creates exchanges with artists from all over the world. Throughout the year, our committee offers through our physical space more opportunities and greater visibility to our member artists. The AIAP committee also organises open exhibitions, as well as curated ones, with a national and international focus, so as to offer a variety of ways of presenting and addressing art. 

We maintain strong relations with our partner countries (Italy and Japan more particularly), and exchange ideas with new nations on a regular basis, thanks to constant invitations, back-andforth exchanges and sharing. Cross-fertilization of know-how, little-acquainted traditions and cultures, unexpected encounters...These relationships with external and foreign partners are the key to our success.

Thus this year, we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of UNESCO's presence in Monaco, a

humanist organisation to which the AIAP has the honour of being associated, and it is with

immense pride that we try to convey the values of this international institution, created in 1945 following the crimes committed during the Second World War. In the face of today's crises, nothing seems more important than persevering in safeguarding culture, education and science, our shared global heritage.

Ms. Stefania Angelini, President of AIAP MONACO

Stefania Angelini, President. @raoulrand

New perspectives

This Salon marks an important milestone for our association. It is indeed a transition, a relay and -as in a race- the two riders hold the relay together for a while . This is how I see my role as Vice-President today with Stefania Angelini -the President elected at our General Assembly last February and already so well in charge of the game .

The title and theme of this Salon -chosen by Laurent Papillon and validated by the Board of Directors is adapted to these circumstances: this is the AIAP Committee launched on the path of New Perspectives . Even if perspective is by definition projected towards a future , the addition of the adjective « new » refers to something substantially different , another point of view «being oriented towards the future is a source of motivation, wellbeing and success» (research work of Jansen Christelle- UCL)

In 2000 I named the Salon «Les Nouveaux Paysages» to start the 21st century with this faith in the future for our artistic goals, today where many challenges face us, a new generation of artists is coming, who in turn are setting their course by giving meaning to their journey and we must welcome their commitment.

In the course of the Committee’s work since the beginning of this century, we had the honor and pleasure to receive each year at the Salon artists from many countries as guests of honor, also in order to celebrate in our way the 75th anniversary of UNESCO in the Principality by connecting several countries together through new technologies, we will this time experience an interactive virtual space or metavers to present our guest artists.

In 2025 the AIAP Monegasque Committee at UNESCO will celebrate its 70th anniversary and it is to be hoped that this group of artists at a global level, to which we adhere, can continue for a long time to establish links between artists from all countries, from all continents without any limit of religious belief , nor geographical borders , thus meeting the founding principles of UNESCO.

Marie-Aimée Tirole

Vice President

Officer in the Order of Cultural Merit

Knight in the Order of Arts and Letters


SALON 2024 of the Monegasque National Committee of the International Association of Visual Artists to UNESCO.

Exhibition from December 6 to 20, 2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., every day, free entry Exhibition Hall, 4 quai Antoine 1er, 98000 Monaco

Conference on December 10, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Committee Room, 10 quai Antoine 1er, 98000 Monaco, 1st floor.

Participating artists, members of the AIAP MONACO committee:

 AGATHAK - ALAMIR Alaleh - AMAR Mireille BANDARA Yapa BERGONZI Caroline - BROQUET Virginie - BERNARD Valérie - GRAFFITI Betty - BLOOMBERG Angelina - BONAVIA Christian - CALOI DI GRASSI Bianca - CAVENEL Chantal - COLOMBANI Augustin - DAEMMRICH Elke - DE MASSIA Thierry DEPAOLI Gianni - DOVA - FAY Berenice GASTAUD Monique - GIORDAN Christian - HARRISON Tobias KRAJEWICZ Helena & ROWLANDS Rob LASSOURCE Laurent - LEGER Nathalie - LINDAHL Carmen MARIYENKO Maryna MENINI Daniel - MICALLEF - Martine - MONTANA Edgar - MOULIN Gregoire NIZIO Michel - PABIS GUILLAUME Ania - PAPILLON Laurent - PARENTI Paolo - RUSPOLI Livia - SAWICKI Patricia - SHELUDYAKOV Oleg - SHUHAIBAR Bolonie - SUN Liudmila - SVANDENBOSCH Sven TASCHE Edwin - TESTA Florent - THUNE-LARSEN Tania - TIROLE Marie-Aimée - WOLF Thiele

Metaverse Artists:

BACKES Stephan (Germany) - DIRKSEN Marianne (Netherlands) - GOTANDA Naomi (Japan) - HWANG Jongmyung (South Korea) - KNOWLES Elizabeth (USA) - MANSOUR Idrissi (Morocco) - MARAJO Miguel (Martinique) - MEFTAH Raouf (Tunisia) - MIROWSKA Beata (Poland) - MOGARRA Delphine (France) NORBUTAITE Meda (Lithuania) - ROLAND Blum (Liechtenstein).

Mr. Raouf Meftah. Mrs. Stefania Angelini. HRH Princess Fawzia Farouk of Egypt and her husband Mr. Sylvain Renaudeau @raoulrand

Our time is continuously understood in very contradictory realms, often lost between reality and virtuality, imagination and contingency, games and struggles, screens and networks.

We live in a complex universe where the tangible and the virtual are constantly intertwined, where numerical calculations interfere with material sensations.

How do we manage representing space? How do we find an adequate perspective, adapted to this our new systems?

Art history offers an overview of the evolution of perspective, from which we can often draw parallels with the social and political context of an era. Take the flatness of the paintings from the Middle Ages, where everything appeared on a united, symbolic background. This was a time of great spiritual wealth, where the cosmos, nature and man were inseparable. The Renaissance, in a concern for precision through aesthetic realism disrupted the plane surface of the medieval altarpieces, to the benefit of an optical perspective, combining mathematical, architectural and metaphysical research. And soon the baroque would take this absolute perspective in a decorative exaggeration that would overload it. Our modern area was just another step in the search for a pictorial language that is specific to our time: Impressionism, pointillism, cubism, abstraction - All these artistic researches are inextricably linked to the currents of thoughts, discoveries and events of each society.

The exhibition New Perspectives therefore questions our current reality.

It particularly involves the link between our association and UNESCO, whose 75 years of presence in the Principality is being celebrated this year. We are joining in this commemoration by presenting an international exhibition. This project consists of setting up an exhibition of works through a metaverse - an interactive virtual space connected to artists and artists from several countries.

It is time for a retrospective consideration, offering new perspectives around Art, Culture and Education. The exhibition is a reflexion on the visual arts and the ability of artists to represent the world in which they live.


The Monegasque National Committee of the A.I.A.P. was created in 1955 by Etienne Clérisi, the painter and architect, an illustrious Monegasque personality.

The Committee shines under the Honorary Presidency of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, thanks to his attentive and kind support.

The International Association of Visual Artists or AIAP (IAA International Art Association) was created in Paris at UNESCO under the sponsorship of Braque and Picasso in the 1950s. Placed under the aegis of UNESCO, the committee aims to promote the Plastic Arts in the Principality and to create exchanges with artists from all countries. There are more than 80 National Committees adhering to the AIAP around the world.

Since its creation, the Association has aimed to create an artistic community without borders, open to emerging and recognized artists, self-taught and professionals, to all arts lovers, wishing to participate in the cultural life of the Principality.

Thanks to the constant support of the Prince’s Government and the Department of Cultural

Affairs, the Committee has a workshop available to selected artists to carry out one-off residencies and contribute to cultural projects.

Tehos. HRH Princess Fawzia Farouk of Egypt. Mr. Raouf Meftah. @raoul rand

HRH Princess Fawzia Farouk of Egypt and her husband Mr. Sylvain Renaudeau @raoulrand

Mr. Raoul Rand H.R.H. Princess Fawzia Farouk of Egypt

Royal Arts Visions web December 7, 2024
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