Dubai, Hollywood, Bollywood

With Asad Khan

Actor, producer, director, screenwriter, famous and admired by the entire community in Dubai, Asad Khan received the famous Golden Visa as the supreme recognition of his artistic career in the United Arab Emirates.  

Originally from Pakistan, Asad Khan managed with intuition, charm, intelligence and extraordinary talent to conquer not only his new country UAE but also a huge international audience. 

Trough his Pakistani talk shows and Pakistani film production starting 20 years a go until now in a multicultural environment and activity he knew how to unite the prolific Hollywood with the brilliant Bollywood, and where else ?!  In the most wonderful territory, the most desired and the most visited globally: Dubai !  Asad Khan is a true force of nature.

In a multicultural society like that of Dubai, Asad Khan has been the driving motor of the local cinematic industry for over 12 years.  Producer of large-scale productions, entrepreneur with a huge talent and immense imagination, Asad Khan knows how to captivate the hearts of an extremely large audience and great consumer of artistic beauty, through his productions as well as through his high class performances. 

Why am I writing about Asad Khan?  For the simple but so much complex reason that is the success of a man - an artist who has the power to cross barriers, over cultural and social differences, becoming in a relatively short time a true ambassador of cultural friendship between nations. Asad Khan, born in Pakistan, promotes the culture of his native country as different cultures too , bringing ART to a common level, In a common language for all of us , the language of cultural cooperation and love for the artistic performance. 

Once again, we can understand that creativity is a magical force that unites people on a spiritual ground based on fraternity, peace, freedom and above all respect.

Asad Khan, honored with the Golden Visa of the UAE Government for his huge  artistic services realized for the Emirati film and theater industry, is the producer of the first local productions famously known like Howzat and Just Like That.

And still, the best is yet to come!

Monica Mergiu

Royal Arts Visions web June 5, 2024
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