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Long time back, a 14 years young boy was so much courageous and motivated to paint the portrait of His Majesty King Feisal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia.
The moment when the Minister of Culture saw the marvelous artwork, he knew that the young artist's destiny is for sure a story of success. And yes, after so many years of creativity, with a rich and impressive portfolio of hundreds of Royal portraits, today the once young, talented artist is the Grand Maestro of Saudi and international Art and Culture.
Founder and owner of two important art galleries in Jeddah, his name is aready a legend.

HISHAM BINJABI's royal portraits collection is famous in the world. King Abdulaziz, King Saud, King Feisal, King Khaled, King Fahd, King Abdullah, King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud,Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan, Prince Charles of England, with his charming spouse the marvelous and unforgettable Lady Diana, and so many other historical personalities are subjects of the gifted, magical hands of this great Saudi painter.

Hisham Binjabi is forever in love with his country's nature, customs and traditions. His paintings are representing gorgeous Bedouin women in the colourful tends, camels middle of the golden desert, beautiful Saudi landscape with roses of the desert, oasis and amazing horses resplendent in their natural elegance.
Hisham Binjabi’s artworks are worldwide recognized and celebrated, his name is absolutely emblematic for the development of Saudi cultural and artistic movement.
Hisham Binjabi is a complex and complete personality. His arts speak about the ancient Saudi Arabia with its amazing old heritage, and in the same time, about the new, modern Saudi Kingdom ready to express a huge source of spirituality, talent and love for Art.
Hisham Binjabi is legendary. Undoubtedly, the KING OF ART.

Hisham Binjabi’s art galleries opened in the’ 70 in Al Balad Jeddah are the first places dedicated to art and culture in Saudi Arabia.
The artist himself was from the beginning very much interested to showcase not only his own paintings but international artworks too.
He is a pioneer of the cross cultural cooperation and communication, building real friendship’s bridge between Saudi and foreign artists.

Hisham Binjabi, born in Mecca, graduated English literature at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah and as artist was interested in the school of realism. He is one of the most important artistic personalities of the Gulf countries with a large palette of activities and professional interests. Director, Vice president, President in different periods of time of the Saudi Center for Fine Arts in Jeddah, art curator, adviser, Chairman, member of numerous arbitration committees and exhibition evaluation.

He is participating to several international conferences and he was designer of Engineering Roundabout in Jeddah. Hisham Binjabi is Founder of the Jeddah Academy of Arts to spread Fine Arts and preserve the precious heritage of Jeddah. He is Founder of Art Vision Gallery of Arts since 1989.

Hisham Binjabi's rich activity gives him the aura of a complete artist and Mecena of Saudi Arts helping the Saudi talents and traditional heritage to conquest an important place in the world.
The entire artwork of Hisham Binjabi is a hommage to his country the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Monica Mergiu

Royal Arts Visions web April 16, 2023
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