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Famous, vivant, vibrantly colourful, passionately in love with the speedy Lamborghini and horse's wild nature, entitled as "Queen Malerin" - Queen's Paintress she is the former student of the famous Professor Markus Lupertz, having already numerous paintings exposed in the collection of the well known « Wurth Museum ». What else may I say about the marvelous Nicole Leidenfrost ?

Well, she is an artist of joie de vivre gifted with a certain type of « follie », inspired by the « Blue Horse » of Franz Marc, the chaotic beauty of the streets, sparkling situations, unexpected, strange moments of her life and for sure very much influenced by the great German cultural heritage.

Nicole Leidenfrost’ s art offers a look into a different kind of world, happy, cheerful, intense and immense like an ocean of colours, exploring sentiments, feelings, with fury, sounds and glorious beauty.
The subjects of her paintings are human, horses, lions, cars, nature, powerful and dynamic images and personages, characters created with vivacity and positive energy.

Her cultural, artistic journey is in fact directly influenced by her own life : Her Art style is her way of living. Passionate.
As she is saying, her admirers and collectors of her artworks are mostly attracted by the colourful, beautiful energy mirrored in her paintings.
In a certain moment of her life, accidentally or not, she became worldwide famous with her creation, a painting offered as a special gift to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll of England during one of her official visits to Germany.

The painting is representing the Queen as a little girl smiling courageous on the horse together with her father His Majesty the late King George of England. The reaction of the Queen was suddenly in all international mass media, showing an unexpected amusement and curiosity of Her Majesty related to the unusual colours of the entire painting. Using the royal blue, the vibrant yellow creating a special pastel atmosphere, Nicole Leidenfrost has realised not at all just a photographic image but a marvelous, unique, special artwork in her own manner : extravagant, courageous, vivant, joyful, cheerful and so much DIFFERENT.

Long before this historical moment, the artist was already recognized as a painter with a hard brush and powerful driving motor.
Her cooperation with Lamborghini was just another important, flamboyant and unusual artistic expression.
More than this, already she is celebrated as a horse lover, as a result today, one of the most important horses competition in Dresda is named after her : Die Queen’s Malerin Cup.

Nicole Leidenfrost is a modern artist gifted with a very unusual, amazing and charming capacity of giving flair, colours and vivacity to the « so much usual grey of the streets » as she says. Fancy, glamorous, feminine but for sure feminist and courageous she shares a marvelous cultural message : positive energy composed beautifully to be healthy for soul, mind and eyes.

Her artworks are showing us that ART can be realistic in a very large diversity of forms and meanings. Her paintings are the explosive expression of her own artistic identity. The artist calls herself « German at heart » - I would call her « Wild at heart ».
Nicole Leidenfrost’s personality is exactly like the movie characters of Quentin Tarantino. She spreads diversity, never white, black or grey but beautifully « crazy », passionate, concentrated on life, nature, humans and the beauty of animals.
Nicole Leidenfrost speaks always with her clients, art collectors, is always surrounded by people , middle of exhibitions, competitions, art, culture, sport events, a woman and artist ready to share smiles and beautiful moments.
At the end ART it is only about bringing people together, giving a message of beauty, courage and positive thinking.

The German cultural heritage is huge. Germany is the land of Goethe, Schiller, Beethoven, Wagner, composers, poets, writers who are pillars of this magical Universe - the eternal Cosmos of geniality. Speaking, writing about the artist Nicole Leidenfrost, i am giving my modest homage to this wonderful country Germany and not at the end to all artists of Nicole’s generation, who are giving new sparkle to our world and bright messages of how beautiful our life is when we can just see it in the million of colours and lights, exploring territories of magic with the wild courage of being, thinking and creating something different, unique and unforgettable like once the Blue Horse, flying wild around us like a dream or like the most real reality.

Monica Mergiu

Royal Arts Visions web April 16, 2023
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