Introducing the Torpedo MKII:

UAntwerp's Innovative

 Solar Boat

The UAntwerp Solar Boat team proudly presents the Torpedo MKII, their latest innovation in solar boat technology. This advanced vessel showcases significant improvements in sustainability and environmental protection, embodying the team's commitment to eco-friendly engineering. With its use of natural materials and cutting-edge design, the Torpedo MKII sets a new standard for green boat construction and aims to revolutionize the maritime industry.

Sustainable Materials: 

The Heart of Torpedo MKII

The Torpedo MKII stands out for its innovative use of natural materials in its construction. The UAntwerp team has reimagined the cockpit design, incorporating flax and bio-epoxy – materials chosen for their minimal environmental impact and robust properties. This commitment to eco-friendly engineering is not just about reducing the carbon footprint; it's about setting a new benchmark for the entire maritime industry.

By utilising these sustainable materials, the team demonstrates that high performance and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand. The flax fibres provide excellent strength-to-weight ratio, while the bio-epoxy ensures durability without relying on petroleum-based products. This innovative approach not only reduces the boat's environmental impact but also paves the way for future advancements in green boating technology.

The UAntwerp Solar Boat Team: A Diverse Group of Innovators

The UAntwerp Solar Boat team consists of 15 dedicated students from the University of Antwerp, all united in their passion for advancing solar boat technology. This diverse group brings together a range of skills and expertise, creating a dynamic and innovative environment for developing cutting-edge solar-powered vessels.

The team's structure is thoughtfully divided into two main groups: full-time members and support members. This organization allows for focused development while ensuring a broad range of perspectives and skills are incorporated into the project.

Full-time Members

12 students form the core team, including 6 undergraduates and 7 graduate students in electromechanics from the Faculty of Applied Engineering. These dedicated individuals are responsible for the design, construction, and refinement of the solar boat.

Support Members

4 volunteers contribute unique skills to the project. These students come from diverse fields including electromechanics, chemistry (Faculty of Applied Engineering), and communication sciences (Faculty of Social Sciences). Their varied expertise supports and enhances the efforts of the core team.

Team Synergy

The combination of full-time and support members creates a well-rounded team capable of addressing all aspects of solar boat development, from technical engineering to project communication and chemistry applications.

Monaco Energy Boat Challenge: A Platform for Innovation

Since 2017, the UAntwerp Solar Boat team has been a proud participant in the prestigious Monaco Energy Boat Challenge. This annual event serves as a crucial platform for the team to showcase their innovations and measure their progress against international competitors.

The challenge not only motivates the team to continually improve their designs but also provides invaluable exposure to industry leaders and potential investors. Each year, the team sets ambitious goals to climb higher in the rankings, driving them to push the boundaries of solar boat technology.

2017: Debut Participation

UAntwerp Solar Boat team made their first appearance at the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge, marking the beginning of their journey in international solar boat competitions.

Continuous Improvement

Each subsequent year saw the team refining their designs, incorporating lessons learned and new technologies to enhance their solar boat's performance and sustainability.

2023: Torpedo MKII Unveiling

The team presents their most advanced solar boat yet, showcasing significant improvements in sustainability and performance with the Torpedo MKII.

Future Goals

Looking ahead, the team aims to continue climbing the rankings and potentially secure a top position, while also influencing the maritime industry with their sustainable innovations.

Technical Innovations of the Torpedo MKII

The Torpedo MKII represents a significant leap forward in solar boat technology, incorporating several cutting-edge innovations. While maintaining its sleek and aerodynamic design, the team has focused on improving efficiency and sustainability in every aspect of the boat.

One of the key advancements is the integration of more efficient solar panels, maximizing energy capture even in less-than-ideal weather conditions. The team has also optimized the boat's power management systems, ensuring that every watt of energy is utilized effectively.

Additionally, the Torpedo MKII features an improved hydrofoil design, reducing water resistance and increasing overall speed and efficiency. The team has also implemented advanced navigation and control systems, allowing for more precise maneuvering and optimized race performance.

Environmental Impact and Sustainability Goals

The Torpedo MKII is more than just a racing boat; it's a testament to the team's commitment to environmental sustainability. By incorporating eco-friendly materials and focusing on energy efficiency, the UAntwerp Solar Boat team aims to set new standards for the maritime industry.

The use of flax and bio-epoxy in the cockpit construction significantly reduces the boat's carbon footprint compared to traditional materials. Moreover, the team has implemented a comprehensive lifecycle analysis to minimize environmental impact from production to eventual recycling.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

The use of natural and biodegradable materials in construction significantly lowers the boat's overall environmental impact.

Energy Efficiency

Advanced solar panels and power management systems maximize energy capture and utilization, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

Lifecycle Consideration

The team has implemented a cradle-to-cradle approach, considering the environmental impact of the boat from production to eventual recycling.

Industry Influence

By showcasing these sustainable technologies, the team hopes to inspire wider adoption of eco-friendly practices in the maritime sector.

Team Collaboration and Interdisciplinary Approach

The success of the Torpedo MKII project lies not only in its technical innovations but also in the unique collaborative approach of the UAntwerp Solar Boat team. The diverse backgrounds of team members, ranging from engineering to communication sciences, create a rich environment for interdisciplinary problem-solving.

This collaborative spirit extends beyond the immediate team, with partnerships formed with industry experts and academic researchers. These collaborations have led to breakthroughs in areas such as material science, hydrodynamics, and energy management systems.

Engineering Expertise

Core team members bring deep knowledge in electromechanics and applied engineering to the project.

Scientific Innovation

Chemistry students contribute to material research and development of sustainable composites.

Effective Communication

Communication sciences students ensure the project's message reaches a wider audience.

Industry Partnerships

Collaborations with industry experts provide valuable insights and resources.

Future Prospects and Industry Impact

The Torpedo MKII represents more than just a competitive solar boat; it's a glimpse into the future of maritime technology. The UAntwerp Solar Boat team's innovations have the potential to influence the broader maritime industry, pushing towards more sustainable and efficient vessel designs.

Looking ahead, the team aims to continue refining their designs, with plans to explore new materials, further improve energy efficiency, and potentially develop autonomous navigation capabilities. They also hope to collaborate with industry partners to adapt their technologies for commercial applications, from leisure boats to cargo vessels.

By consistently pushing the boundaries of what's possible in solar-powered watercraft, the UAntwerp Solar Boat team is not just competing in races - they're racing towards a more sustainable future for maritime transportation. Their dedication to innovation and sustainability serves as an inspiration for the next generation of engineers and a beacon of hope for eco-conscious maritime solutions.

The team took third place in the Foundation Prince Albert II Award, an award that rewards teams for their efforts in researching and using sustainable materials in the maritime sector. This success is due to the UAntwerp Solar Boat Team's dedicated efforts throughout the year to build the most sustainable boat possible. This involved the use of innovative materials such as flax and filava to build decks and struts (see photo). "We are immensely proud to place third at the FPAII Award," says team member and sustainable materials researcher Vincent Jacobs. "Using sustainable materials such as flax and filava was an important step for us, and we are determined to develop these innovations further. For example, next year we plan to design even more parts of our boat from sustainable materials."

In addition to this great third place, the enthusiasm and perseverance of the Solar Boat Team was also recognized with the Spirit Prize. This prize recognizes the team's exceptional team spirit and generosity during the challenge. For example, team members of the UAntwerp Solar Boat Team handed out various fruits and snacks to other teams and provided a pleasant atmosphere in the other paddocks. "Winning the Spirit Prize was a great recognition of our effort and enthusiasm," said team member Lucas Vanhoutte. "It's great to see how our efforts to create a positive atmosphere are appreciated by both other teams and the organization."

As a Belgian team, we are extremely proud of these achievements and see this as a confirmation of our commitment to a more sustainable future. "However, our ambition extends further," adds Toon Lambers, team leader for next year. "Next year we want to come out even more innovative and sustainable in order to increase our contribution to greener and more sustainable shipping."


Royal Arts Visions web July 9, 2024
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ROYAL ARTS VISIONS; 11th Monaco Energy Boat Challenge