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ceremony privee in the spectacular Château d'Oyre was the perfect success of a real Grande Dame of Arts. 
The well-known gallerist and fine arts connoisseur madame Anne Clace , organizer and perfect host of a marvelous cultural event in the resplendent historical Castle Château d'Oyre , surrounded by a fabulous artists community, art lovers, art collectors and business people , investors from France, Italy, China, Greece and Arab World.
Madame Anne Clace, Founder and Owner of Anne Clace Gallery and Anne Clace Event, is totally dedicated to the cross cultural dialog supporting and promoting art and artists not as a common business but as a very sensitive, creative cultural exchange creating first of all a strong friendship bridge.

Very much in love with art and traveling like a globe trotter , Anne Clace became over the years one of the most representative art galerist and art curator, having a great reputation as special friend to all international artists. Yusuke Akamatsu from Japan or David Penez, Cyril Burac and so many others are part of her huge artists community with very strong ideas about cultural exchange and cooperation.

Anne Clace Event ,,Excellence in Art Gala" was just another sensational cultural encounter organized perfectly with delicate finesse in every single detail starting with the fabulous artworks of the artists, the noble sound of the classical music, the somptuous tables and the exquisite gourmet menu brilliantly presented under the elegant chandeliers of the historical Château d'Oyre.

EXCELLENCE IN ART GALA organized under the patronage of Monsieur David Andre Azoulay, Mecena of Arts and Director General of George V Group, was a real chance for the high class of the International artistic elite to get together for a small talk or a long conversation, visions exchange about art, art influences, views, expectations and ideas about what comes next for art and artists on this long cultural journey from the present to the future.

The multicultural speech of David Andre Azoulay was a real confession and in fact a conclusion that we do need ART as important part of our life and a priority for our soul not only as investment but as a symbol of our flamboyant dreams, desires, sentiments and love for the precious gift of Beauty! 

The Fairy tale visions of Maestro Raouf Meftah were an open window to the marvelous expression of the arabic calligraphy, fantasy and exotic elegance . His paintings are voluptuous, miraculous forms of a complex artistic language, deeply loved and respected by the great Picasso as a symbol of perfection in modern art. 

Between the intellectual personalities and guests , art collectors and investors present at soiree, we could recognize the well known businessman, President of Acropolis Company member of China - France Chamber of Commerce, a real ambassador of friendship between France, Luxembourg, China and his birthplace Greece. Another very respected personality between the guests, His Excellency Professor Abbas Koweish from Iraq, President of the Government Printing and Publishing House, art lover, writer, book author and publisher.

The special encounter - event organized by Anne Clace under the title EXCELLENCE IN ART GALA wasn't just about art but much more important about why exactly we do need art, what is the real value of art and what exactly represents an Artist. 
As a conclusion of the glamorous soiree, yes, ART IS MAGIC , ETERNAL, GLORIOUS. And Artists are the heroes of a never ending story. Art and artists are the colours of our life and events like EXCELLENCE IN ART GALA give us the perfect atmosphere to bring people together with the same respect, emotions and admiration for this complex and precious mystery called ART.

Dr. Monica Mergiu 

Photos David Penez 


David Penez 


Nathalie LEVADE


Françoise AUGUSTINE 


Yusuke  Akamatsu

L’art se partage avec élégance, l’art est un moment de découverte, de partage des nouvelles émotions uniques, la culture est un évènement intime de création.
Ce dîner est imaginé par Anne CLACE Évent dont le but est de vivre une soirée de prestige.
C’est une rencontre entre acteurs et amis du monde culturel. Voici un moment unique d’échange, de découverte et de partage.
C’est un moment unique où les artistes partagent une pièce de leur univers afin que votre acquisition et votre prochaine collection aient une histoire originale. C’est une soirée où le désir se manifeste en couleur.
C’est un dîner dont l’entrée est une exposition de lumière, c’est un dîner dont l’art est à table. La dégustation se partage en couleur avec des artistes et collectionneurs.
Quoi de mieux dans cette soirée, d’être surpris et que son désir soit partagé.
Quoi de mieux de découvrir les histoires et les émotions des autres dans l’univers de la création et que sa propre histoire sera racontée haut en couleur dans une création unique.
Quoi de mieux que l’acquisition et la possession d’une œuvre où sa propre histoire imaginée par un artiste et représentée en lumière.
C’est une soirée dans un endroit de prestige habité par de beaux récits
il s’agit d’un moment convivial, émouvant et élégant à partir duquel on découvre avec beaucoup d’émotion que son histoire est celle qui est racontée et représentée par les autres.
L’art est un miroir émotionnel, c’est le moment où on réalise qu’on est face à son propre histoire.

Photos David Penez 


David-André AZOULAYDirecteur Général du Groupe George V Internationale.

Raouf Meftah

Art Director ROYAL ARTS VISIONS Magazine
Art Director ROYAL MONACO Magazine

Dr. Monica Mergiu

Award winning writer Founder of Royal Arts Visions publication

​Dr. Abbas KUAISH
Directeur Général de la Maison Universitaire de l’Impression, de l’Edition et de Traduction, Ministère de l’éducation supérieur et recherche scientifique IRAQ