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Star of the Golden Egyptian Cinema

Egypt is for sure one of the most visited countries in the world and nobody can ever deny the multifaceted beauty of this ancient land of Pyramids. Speaking about Egypt we think immediately of Tutankhamon, Nefertiti, Cleopatra and ofcourse the majestic Sphinx.

We remember the Nile, the supreme river mesmerizing us over the centuries. The fabulous belly dancers with their unique, strange, mythical beauty and shapes or the colorful, noisy, enchanting Khan El Khalili bazaar, the favorite souk of the Nobel Prize Winner of Literature the famous writer Nagib Mahfouz and his highly celebrated CoffeeShop.

Egypt is ancestral and unbelievable charming and interesting, from the ancient times of the great Pharaos to the brilliantly times of the royal Kings and Pashas until today when we can see the most modern society, luxurious tourists resorts, cultivated and elegant people, motivated to bring together and unite symbols of the past and futuristic projects - in all aspects of activities, social, economical, industrial, technology, tourism. Egypt means for many of us the gorgeous voice of Um Khulthoum, the absolute Grande Dame of classical music and her inimitable songs performances, powerful and elegant orchestra, typical concerts for the magical Egyptian atmosphere of romance, poesie and lyrics.

This is the reason to present now in our edition of Royal Monaco for the european readers, one of the greatest personalities of the Egyptian cinema, a man, an actor and a true Egyptian dedicated and devoted to his roots and traditions : Alaa Zeinhom.The Egyptian cinema is famous worldwide, a territory of magnificent personalities like Yousef Chahine, Yousra, Omar Shariff and many other celebrities shining on the large international screen with majestic performance.

Alaa Zeinhom is one of the beloved Egyptian Superstars, starting his career in the early '70. His large palette of interpretation, multiple characters, his flamboyant temper and acting talent, keep him even today after so many years in the hearts of the public and fans. Over the years he gave life to many roles and personages - like people from country side, villages or merchands from the traditional families becoming very much popular, loved and admired by the Egyptian nation. 

His success was based on his dedication for his profession. He gave and gives even now after such a long time of acting, his entire soul to each movie or theater piece, nothing is accidental, his own belief is that on each scene he must be trustful and capable to accomplish and spread completely the Egyptian esprit and joie de vivre . 

Alaa Zeinhom is the Lord of Cinema. His talent and his sense of humor transformed him in a classical actor of old and new cinema at once. Alaa Zeinhom represents the old and the new Egyptian society with all possible ingredients of courage, joy, cleverness, happiness, friendship, tolerance, huge generosity, all qualities actually typical for the Egyptian nation.
The once young actor who started to play and act especially for comedy or later on in series like Aida, is today one of the most respected stars of his generation. 

For the famous movie ,, Water, Greenery and a good Face" he was awarded as the best second actor for his role interpretation. Still for the Egyptian actor Alaa Zeihom, as he confessed , not the awards are important but the hearts of the people and fans. In fact, Egyptian cinema is all about love : for art, culture, people and everything means beauty.

Monica Mergiu

Royal Arts Visions web 21 avril 2023
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