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Huda Al-Obeidi


Dr.Huda AL Obeidi is one of the most important vectors of the Libyan modern education fields. Born in the large and highly respected family AL Obeidi, having strong national identity and deep roots in the Libyan beduin tribes, Dr. Huda represents today the image of the modern, educated woman of the new Libyan times.
Concrete, she is the driving motor for generation of students, Dean of the Faculty of Language, professor, educator, motivator for numerous girls institutions, organizations with focus on intellectual development, women empowerment, educational skills and everything meaning ,,society growing at all levels".

Dr. Husda AL Obeidi profession gives her daily the opportunity to meet, greet, educate and perform in several official programs, governmental and non governmental, charity institutions, non profit organizations, always middle of the people she loves and encourages to grow in different fields. Dr. Huda is an educator of modern times, giving space for new ideas, new projects building up the educational process at highest quality.
«Nothing is more important for our Lybian society especially now than interest for learning and creating new opportunities.
The only chance to become a modern, strong, powerful society is in fact the belief and trust in our own ancient national identity. I am so much proud to be part of my old land Lybia, I am so much honored to represent my country worldwide, not only in official meetings, conferences or other events, but simply by traveling and knowing new people, new places, new mentalities, bringing my own knowledge and experience from my side and making a cultural, professional exchange.
This is my personal target : to grow as a visionary person and share my visions, my views, my inspiration with others having the capacity to improve and develop the strong Libyan society especially for the young generations.

The youth must understand that education is the basis and the start for everything».
Dr.Huda AL Obeidi is devoted to the history of her country Lybia, being always inspired by the marvelous Arabic language, with all the great poetry of the words and meanings. As she saying ,, I am the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and all my professional life is dedicated definitely to the amazing Arabic language. I believe in books, literature, music of the words, power of the words.
Our language is deep and very complex. In my numerous years of activity in the Ministry of culture, as advisor, professor, manager, I am infinitely impressed by the sounds of our language, our heritage, traditions, customs or habits. I am discovering, still now, today other qualities and brilliance of our Lybian culture.
And this unique feeling of respect, love and pride for my country becomes my duty, my commitment and my inspiration for my life and for my work. "

Royal Arts Visions web 8 avril 2023
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