We live in a society with an intense problem in the area of ​​mental health.  Nothing is more important these days, in this time of complex social, historical, economic events, than the attention and support given to people by specialized medical personnel.  It is very interesting how a young woman with Syrian origins, educated both in the Arab world and in the Western world, Canada, brings through her professional activity a message of mental, psychic and physical health, not only through the numerous medical courses studied but especially through  various cultural activities that we may not give real importance to sometimes. 

Jamila Mohammed is a pluricultural, complex personality, with a diverse and very rich Professional CV in many directions.  

The well-known journalist with activities in AL Khaleej news, AL Jazeera news, Fujairah TV, social media presenter, director and producer of television shows, talk shows, fashion events such as Dubai Fashion week and many others, Jamila Mohammed dedicated herself to people with special needs, people with various addictions  , to people suffering from known or unknown trauma. 

Obtaining qualification diplomas in the field of addictions, Jamila Mohammed relocated from Dubai to Canada with the desire to deepen the study of mental health as much as possible.  I asked her with great curiosity how she professionally unites the 2 sides, artistic and medical.  Jamila explains, through art, culture, artistic entertainment, poetry, music, literature, cinema, and why not through fashion, we can change the life of a person who is going through or has gone through some trauma for the better.  Each patient needs special attention from the doctor, family and friends, but above all he needs the support of society and the world around him.  No suffering human, man, woman, child, is allowed to remain alone, says Jamila, currently an addict adviser in Canada.

  As a young woman, graduating with great dedication and devotion to mental health studies, Jamila Mohammed knows perfectly well the pluricultural implications, a complex subject regarding the social and economic changes that have taken place in today's society and which leave traces many times in the mental and spiritual life especially  of the young generation.  

Jamila Mohammed, great lover of art, painting, fashion, is also very active in the brilliant , sparkling world of cinema and television, getting involved in many cultural events as a correspondent for the Italian company Vocce Spectaccolo, the Canadian company Tall Tale, or the various media companies in the UAE  , especially Dubai and Fujairah. 

Jamila Mohammed develops spiritually, she says, by observing and studying personalities from whom she learns enormously in life how to become a true human being, complete and dedicated to society in the spirit of helping and supporting the many with problems.

  Jamila tells us that she has a profound love for her mother, and an equally profound professional admiration for HH Sheikha Intisar Sabah, a female personality with a wide echo in today's society, dedicated especially for women empowerment.  

As a medical education, Jamila Mohammed admits that she learns a lot and is inspired by a Maestro of mental health, Professor Dr. Psychiatrist Adel Karrani , one of the most important doctors in the UAE.  Talking to Jamila Mohammed, the young woman with multicultural origins, we understand that the human soul knows no borders or nationalities, but is a wide territory with many unknowns that still needs to be explored intensively and with great love and more greater compassion.

Monica Mergiu

ROYAL ARTS VISIONS;  Jamila Mohammed
Royal Arts Visions web 6 juin 2024
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