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Katya Du Pond


Born in Mexico, living in the United States of America, Katya Du Pond is that kind of Artist influenced more than anything else by her own temperament.
Free, friendly, in love with impressionism, talented and spiritual Katya declared very much confident « I don't need a mentor to express my artistic views ».
And she is right. I knew who she is in the moment I saw her artwork entitled,
« Fragile ». Starting from that image, I understood immediately the symbolic statement of her entire Art.

Katya is that artist « Created to create" - her motto and self definition. Feminine, brave, courageous the beautiful Mexican artist is involved in numerous humanitarian organizations using her art to support people in extrem situation like victims of the human traffiking .
She believes in the colour's positive message and she believes in her artistic femininity as the strongest weapon to improve the image of women worldwide.

Katya Du Pond' s exhibitions like the Alliance Francaise Exhibition in Dubai are more than anything else cultural and social gatherings bringing together women of different nationalities in the same spirit of empowerment .
Her artwork FRAGILE reminds us actually that WOMEN are always beautiful and of course not at all fragile in the common sense but stronger than ever.

Monica Mergiu 

How do you describe your Art style ?
I guess even when you have an artistic style everyone works it differently. I have to say mine is a mix just as my personality and my taste... I like to be eclectic, mixing figurative with some impressionism and abstract elements.
What is the source of your creativity ? Your inspiration?
Imago Dei, “in God’s image” the creativity source comes from the fact that we are made in God’s image, the creator of creators! and I use Music, love, emotions, movement and surroundings as my inspiration.

Are you influenced by a certain Artist or art school ?
The impressionists.

Do you have a mentor ?
Not really, need one!!

You are saying that you are created to create - how do you describe yourself as Woman Artist ?
Passionate, fearless, with feminine values and with the full emotional potential that comes from being a woman!

Do you consider your Art influential ?
I would love to influence always in a positive way! Do you have a motto ? Create with purpose! Artistic Statement ? created to create and touch souls.
Do you believe in Colours ?
Definitely, why? They express different things, moods and psychological messages therefore promoting different experiences.

Royal Arts Visions web 14 avril 2023
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